Timeshares provide a breath of fresh air in the midst of everyday life. Whether you’re with Diamond, Bluegreen, or Wyndham, having a getaway available for your convenience relieves the pressure and stress of having to plan or orchestrate the trip yourself. No matter how you spin it, timeshares provide unique and fun opportunities, but what about the times you are unable to use it? What options do you have? Do you just let it sit? Let’s evaluate some of the alternative you have and how you could be making your investment benefit you.

Resort Travel Management

Life happens. Soccer games for the kids or grandkids, unexpected visitors for a week, or you simply want to reschedule your time to leave. There are a variety of variables that come into play when deciding to reschedule your timeshare visit. We understand! Part of our job at Resort Travel is to ensure the flexibility you need to use your timeshare when you please, and make excellent use of it when you’re not. This brings us to our next point…
We all have those relatives. You know, the ones that seem so incredibly sweet, conveniently at the same time you shared how your planned time away will have to be postponed. It’s no secret that family and friends tend to prey on those with timeshares. Honestly, who could blame them, right? The reality of the situation though is the timeshare you have invested in, should not be taken advantage of. Sure, it’s your timeshare, so it’s your choice to share those salty waves and warm sun with whomever you choose. However, what if you instead chose to let Resort Travel Management come in and maximize your potential with your Bluegreen, Wyndham, or Diamond membership? Here is what we suggest…

Resort Travel Management specializes in setting up your timeshare for you to reap the most benefit, while being able to trust the hands you have left it to. Your timeshare is your personal investment and when you’re not using it, you should be able to have it set up for the best use. When you allow Resort Travel to come in and work with your timeshare, you can be making money while you relax at home. We take your timeshare and find qualified renters to come in for the times you’re not there. Your timeshare, your points, your benefits! Don’t let your friends and families take advantage of your gem of an investment, and don’t let your schedule put a damper on what you can be earning in the meantime.
Resort Travel is here to ensure you are earning all you can with your timeshare when you’re not there, all while keeping your points in your pocket to use for other opportunities. Best of all, we work with all three major timeshare programs! Diamond, Bluegreen, and Wyndham are able to be managed by our team. Don’t lose money or let others benefit from the hard work and money you’ve put into a timeshare. Call Resort Travel Management today!